Urgence Électrique à Montréal 24/7
Do you have an electrical emergency in Montreal or Laval? Let us help you!
Electrical system failures usually leave you without power and damage your appliances. More serious problems can even lead to major fires. We therefore advise you to call in an electrician as soon as you notice any anomaly. The technicians at SOS Électricien Montréal are at your service for this.
Why call in an electrical emergency service?
Electrical emergencies include all faults observed in the circuitry and operation of the electrical system. These can occur in any type of building: residential, commercial, industrial or institutional.
Voltage instability
Voltage instability affects the operation of your electrical and electronic equipment. Damage to the latter worsens as the phenomenon progresses. It is therefore important to remedy this problem as soon as possible to avoid major expenses later on.
Losses affecting the electricity distribution system
If a tree, pole or house falls, if a high-voltage wire is cut, or if any other disaster affects the electrical distribution system, an electrician must be called in urgently. These disasters can lead to serious accidents such as fires or electrocution, in addition to power failures.
Short circuits or sparks
Do you notice small sparks around sockets or bulbs? A competent master electrician should be called in immediately to find the right solutions quickly. In the same vein, we strongly recommend that you contact an electrical emergency service when you smell burning wires or plugs, or in the event of a short-circuit. This could lead to a serious fire.
Free estimate. Response within 24 hours.

Deterioration of electrical wires
Weather, humidity and electrical overloads can cause deterioration of wires and other components of an electrical circuit. This can lead to considerable damage to equipment, but can also cause major fires. You need to call in a professional to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.
Electrical system malfunction
Does your circuit breaker trip as soon as you press a switch or use an outlet? Is part of your house no longer lit? This may be due to an electrical overload, a connection error, a faulty accessory or a problem with the main circuit. In all cases, you need to call in a professional as soon as possible.
What precautions should I take in the event of an electrical emergency?
En cas d’instabilité de tension ou de coupure d’électricité
- Unplug all electrical and electronic appliances to avoid damaging them. A considerable increase in voltage can occur when electricity is restored;
- Leave a light on so you know when the power is restored. However, wait a few minutes before reconnecting your appliances until everything has stabilized;
- Avoid opening your refrigerator to prevent heat transfer that could raise the temperature inside;
- If possible, turn off the heater and light a fire;
- Start your electric generator immediately if you can’t stop what you’re doing. This is the case, for example, in a commercial building, a hospital or a factory. It is therefore necessary to regularly refuel generators to cope with this type of unforeseen event.
For other cases
- Call a master electrician immediately to limit the damage;
- Turn off all the lights, unplug all your appliances and switch off the electricity meter until the technician arrives. You can also manipulate the electrical panel if you know exactly where the fault is;
- Stay away from cut wires or fallen trees to avoid electrocution.
What can you do to avoid electrical faults and emergencies?
Here are the steps to take to minimize the risk of electrical failure:
- Call on a master electrician to set up and install the electrical circuit in your building;
- Choose high-quality accessories: switches, wires, fuses and dominoes. The investment may seem costly at first, but the equipment is more solid and durable, and reduces the risk of accidents;
- Avoid overloading outlets and extension cords, especially with appliances that consume a lot of power;
- Regularly inspect and maintain the entire electrical system. We always advise you to call in an experienced professional for this. He will advise you on the best measures to take, such as repair or renovation;
- We generally advise against electrical DIY, whether for the purpose of repairing or upgrading the system.

Why call SOS Electricien Montréal for your electrical emergencies?
Our technicians are qualified and experienced. They have the skills required to identify and assess problems and find the best possible solutions. They know the standards and regulations in force in Canada and in Montreal, and are committed to respecting them meticulously on the sites where they work.
Our Montreal electrical emergency service is available 24/7. Technicians quickly arrive on the scene and carry out a thorough inspection before intervening. They also take all necessary measures to guarantee your safety and theirs. For your part, please respect their recommendations to avoid aggravating the problems. Finally, we offer a reasonable and competitive price.
We offer a number of other electrical services. We install electrical circuits and connections in residential and commercial buildings. We also install charging stations and generators. We take care of outdoor, indoor, spa and pool lighting. We’ll even put home automation experts at your service if you want a smart home. Our qualified technicians are available for new construction, repairs and renovations. So call on us for all your projects. We provide quality service at a reasonable price.